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Warm Recuperation Warm Heart, Gather Strength to Set Sail Again
新闻来源: 发布时间:[2023-12-05]

-- Fuqing City Federation of TradeUnions, Rongqiao Development Zone Federation of Trade unions, L&T DisplayTechnology (Fujian) Co., Ltd. jointly carried out front-line staff recuperationactivities

In order to strengthen the care andcare for front-line workers and continuously improve the physical and mentalhealth of the majority of workers, from August 18 to 20, the Fuqing Federationof Trade Unions, the Fuqing Rongqiao Economic and Technological DevelopmentZone Federation of Trade unions, L&T Display Technology (Fujian) Co., LTD.Trade union committee jointly organized 50 workers to carry out a three-daystaff recuperation activity in Fuzhou Gui'an Conference Center recuperationbase.

This period of recreation activitiescover red education and learning, water park, hot spring spa, bonfire party,leisure and sightseeing, so that the workers put down the "summer"trouble, unload the "summer" fatigue. When visiting the exhibitionhall of the advance team of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Armymarching North against Japan, there were five exhibition areas in theexhibition hall: "Taking orders at the time of crisis, marching intoFujian, moving to Zhejiang, Anhui and Jiangxi, falling into the siege, andbeing reborn from the fire". A huge wall painting vividly reappeared thatperiod of revolutionary turmoil, which deeply touched everyone's heart andbaptized everyone's spirit.

This treatment and recuperationactivity will organically combine the red culture with the treatment andrecuperation, so that the staff can subtly receive ideological and politicaleducation in the process of treatment and recuperation, and also build aplatform for communication and learning for the staff, promote the physical andmental health of the staff, mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff to work,enhance tthecohesion and centripetal force of the trade union organization, and get thepraise of the staff.

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